IF YOURE NOT A SEOEXO SHIPPER, PLEASE DONT GO BEYOND THIS PAGE. YOUVE BEEN WARNED!So, Ive decided to make my own FALLEN ANGELS page and compile everything here ((well not really everything, just some important stuff for my feels))Why I ship SEOEXO/EXSEO?Theres something about SEOEXO/EXSEO that gives me happiness. Their little interactions, their glances, their politeness towards each other and etc. Seohyun is my ultimate bias and thats also one of the reasons why I ship her with EXO - EXO, on the other hand, is my ultimate boy group bias. So that explains why I love shipping them a lot.EXOs ideal type fits Seohyun (well most of them, perhaps?) I might be delusional about this but who cares, right? They might not have that SUPER LEGIT interaction nor the biggest and clearest interaction yet, but I know their small interactions will lead to something more. SEOEXO IS BEAUTIFUL whether youre against it or not. I love them and Im sure of that. I can feel that the SEOEXO/EXSEO harbor will sail those twelve ships sooner or later :)****My ships are SEOHAN and SEOKAI but I will always paddle my little canoes SEOHUN and XIUSEO.PS: I call my SEOEXO/EXSEO A HARBOR BC IT HAS TWELVE SHIPS AND I KNOW ITLL MAKE ALL THE SHIPS SAIL SOON ;u;PPS: Dont bash; If you dont like them, LEAVE. Youve been told about this.