AllKPop - HIRING FOR STAFF POSITIONS! Your #1 Source for everything on AFF

Apply 00K Active
Author: ALLKpopAFF
Time: 2023-11-02

Please visit our tumblr How To Apply For An Article Staff MembersRules-Fill out the form below if you want to request-Subscribe! Its a must!-Make the application a blog and send it to the writer you choose-Comment when you requested and who you chose as your writer-Comment after you read your articlePlease promote us-Post your article somewhere in your story-Have Fun!! Application- Please delete the parenthaeses and stuff in them! Title of Story:Story Link:Information: (Tell us what you want to see in the article, information about the group & about the story)Videos: (if you already have a video)Pictures: (HD only!)Writer: (Choose from the article writers below!)AFF user name:AFF url:   ALLKPopAFFPosition: Article WriterPending Requests: 0Completed: 1 ihoneybunniebearsPosition: Article WriterPending Requests: 0Completed: 1 4eva_alwaysPosition:Article WriterPending Requests:  0Completed:0  ev0lutionPostion: Article WriterPending Requests: 0Completed: 0 AlexusLovesAllPosition: Tumblr Designer/Promot Foreword          Application To Become A Staff Member  You will have full access to this acc, the gmail acc, and the tumblr acc.We need:Article WritersTeaser/Video MakersTumblr designers/People to work on Tumblr and promote If you are interested in one of the positions above, please message me (AllKPopAFF) :)
