` ✶〔 혼자┊an aff roleplay; open. 〕myungsoo promises that he will call guys wifey if you all join. c8 /slapped by him.
previously known as someday. ✶〔 혼자 〕" if you wanted to do something absolutely honest, something true, it always turned out to a big thing that had to be done alone. "- richard yates Foreword ✶〔 규칙 〕one┊subscribe using your roleplay and main account. + upvotes are loved.two┊recycled accounts are allowed, just make sure, to delete all the wallposts.three┊sekshi time is allowed, only in private messages.four┊sorry, but yaoi and yuri are going to be banned.five┊be active five times a week or you will be automatically kicked out.six┊add all the admins and base account to be added in the masterlist.seven┊dont add people from the other roleplays.eight┊the password is your favorite song in the year of 2013.nine┊this roleplay will be having an activity check every month or weeks. beware.ten┊ooc in brackets; ( ) , [ ] , { } etc. ✶〔 가입 〕one┊scan the masterlist and wishlist. choose for your desired idol.two┊you will be given exact three days to create your account.three┊once arrived, comment at the box your grand arrival.four┊add all the admins. - suzy . t-ae . dasom . chunji . namefive┊leave note on every admins wall if possible.six┊this roleplay will be having a confession box + chatbox when the numberof roleplayers reaches to thirty. ✶〔 안내 〕one┊masterlisttwo┊wishlistthree┊couple listfour┊hiatus + deactivatedfive┊admin notices.