Star, Be Happy
Being left out was never a new thing for Byul. When her friends refused to talk or even greet her, she was depressed enough. Even her family suddenly began to left her out since shes living apart from them. Whenever she came back to her family, all they ever do is neglect her by comparing her with her successful brothers.Eversince, she have been shutting people out because shes afraid that theyre gonna leave her again in the moments where she needs them the most.When her depression got worse, nobody tried to save her. Her dream of being a professional dancer is burried down the earth.Her dream of being a famous and well-known barista was thrown away.But God listens to her prayer and gave her a company throughout her sufferings, the greatest gift shed ever afford,Luhan Foreword•CHARACTERSNam Byulher own shine was hidden by her sadness."All i want is happiness" LuhanHer most precious friend. she labeled him as a bambi." Ill never leave you, as a friend" Main Soundtrack ►Wu Yifan - There is A Place Authors yeah. hi there ! *waves* I am ChiraqKimmy and this story took me 245317832635492 years to figure out either i should put this up or not. comments and critics are both fine with me since i sucks at english. plus! i put this story up because its a request from Sherini99 and again. i hope anyone if theres anyone out there reading this. have a blast reading this crap ;)And want to put a little disclaimer here : PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE, COPY NOR PRINT. IF YOU WANT TO, ASK ME FIRST. THIS STORYLINE ARE MADE PURELY 100% BY ME, ANY SIMILARITY TO OTHER STORIES ARE PURELY COINCIDENCE. THIS IS A PURE FICTION. CHARACTERS, PICTURES USED ARE NOT MINE. CREDITS TO THE OWNERS :)