What if you were something else than what you already are? How do you think your life would be then? Foreword  “I’m fucking bored damn it!” Luhan sighed loudly, laying down on the living room floor. "> What if you were something else than what you already are? How do you think your life would be then? Foreword  “I’m fucking bored damn it!” Luhan sighed loudly, laying down on the living room floor. ">

"What If..?"

Luhan 120K Active
Author: saghmet
Time: 2023-11-02

What if you were something else than what you already are? How do you think your life would be then? Foreword  “I’m fucking bored damn it!” Luhan sighed loudly, laying down on the living room floor. -  “Don’t tell me were playing with rubix cubes…” Jongdae shut his eyes close, trying to avoid the image of all of them struggling with rubix cubes in their hands appearing in his mind.“That’s a pretty good idea, but no anyway.” Luhan sat up, rubbing his chin. - “I’m starting!” Baekhyun raised his hand. “What if…?”   Im trying to write some crack for the first time. Please dont be hard on me if it isnt that funny. ^^I would really appreciate your thoughts and ideas for this story. ^^Please subscribe, hmm? ^^ This lovely poster is made by Leonny at Simply Melted Graphics Shop! Thank you! ^^
