Look at Me
We are endlessly fascinated by things in life that are mysterious and wonderful and painful – the things that are so irresistibly out of our control. The ignorance and vulnerability of childhood. The ambiguity of the unknown. The innocence of first love. The anguish of a broken heart or love unrequited. A platonic love is already just a shade away from romantic love - so volatile and so fragile. How can we share such trust and intimacy without developing those forbidden feelings? So often we fail to acknowledge our hearts because we are too afraid of the consequences of crossing the line, taking a step over it we can never take back. But it only takes a moment of reckless bravery to shatter a lifetime of uncertainties and ‘what if’s.’ “A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other…maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever.” ~ 500 Days of Summer (2009). ForewordI lifted the skirt of my dress, stepping carefully over the uneven grass and up the stairs to his front door. I released my hold and the fabric rustled back into place. I took a breath and knocked on the door. Baekhyun opened it within 30 seconds, tying his tie in the process. “Hey! You’re here! Come on in.” He stepped back and I slipped off my heels. “The others are upstairs.” He said, leading the way with barely a glance my way. I’m not exactly sure what it was I wanted. I guess I wanted to hear my best friend tell me that I looked beautiful. I wanted him to see me differently tonight…on the first night he had ever seen me with make up on and in a dress. I wanted him to see me...to LOOK AT ME.