Eun Ae is possibly the luckiest girl in school and doesnt know it.Being absolute best friends with loud and obnoxious Jonghyun, Eun Ae and her friends learn a lot from him and his crew. Painfully learning the skills of ttak-bam from Onew, performing some sickly cute aegyo with Taemin, and finding out how sexy Minho can really be are just a few.But when Eun Ae finds herself falling head over heels for a certain friend and she begins to feel betrayed by a best friend, an unbelievable opportunity flashes before the five insanely talented guys. Can she successfully support SHINee all the way--or will something stop her from listening to her heart? ForewordAigoo.What exactly do authors put in the foreword? O_Ofore·word (fôrwrd, fr-)n.A preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially by a person other than the author. Ahh. Whatever hahaha. <3 Please enjoy this story that (almost) made me cry writing it(: Kind of(: