My y Hubby Luhan and Me, His Wifey!

Comedy 210K Active
Author: panda_poke
Latest: FEATURED?!
Time: 2023-11-02

We had our good days and really (really really) ugly bad ones.But were still together, and its soo fantastic baby!Were all grown up and in college!My sexy hubby Luhan and me, his wifey~!Nothing could go wrong...right?!  The SEQUEL that youve all been waiting for!Is finally here! Are you ready? For more SUHAN LOVE?!BUT! Before the YOU, new readers, join Suhan into the journey of adulthood...You need to read their journey of how it all began & how they fell deeply in l-o-v-e~!with...Luhans Sunshine Kiss! ForewordLovely Main Characters: THE SUHAN COUPLE Song Sumin (19): Freshmen in college. Cheerful and childish. Very different, and likes it that way. Fiesty and never afraid to speak her unique and original (as she says) mind! If there was a word to describe this girl, its INDESCRIBABLE, or thats what her ex-mute boyfriend thinks. Gets really bored easily, so she always finds different ways to find entertainment, mostly from Luhan. But Sumin is kind-hearted and loves helping people out. She is far from normal and outshines weird. Dance is her prodigy. She was adopted by two dads who are famous for owning Simple Dance Studio. Not ashamed to be herself.Lu Han (19): Freshmen in college. Used to be mute. Never smiled, talked, or showed any sentimental feelings towards anything, ever since his parents and young brother died. He was an outcast during high school as the freak, a handsome one though. After befriending Sumin, he started to slowly open up to her. Sumin is his best friend and loving, crazy girlfriend. Now, Luhan is more sarcastic and a monster at smirking. Hes cunning and more friendly. Loves to sing and dance. Dream is to be an idol. Has eleven close friends, besides Sumin, who he trusts with his life. He is more open and outgoing.  The second important people of the story:EUNHAE Appas: Eunhyuk & Donghae. Sumins appas. EXO: 11 close friends of Luhan and Sumin since high schoolB.A.P: Sumins close friends from her old school TS High. -----------------***THANKS TO gongjoo from LUXICITY GRAPHICS FOR MAKING MY POSTER &BG <3*** SUHAN LOVERS~! Are you ready for another Suhan adventure with these two love birdies?! Well you better be, cause theyre ready to fly away to be adults! And youre going to be there with them! New friends, memories, heart aches (?), and love? All during their days as young adults! So lets begin~!SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! Please. I looooove comments! So if you leave comments, panda will be verry happy~! I thank you all readers, for taking the time to read my fics. And I appreciate your patience for dealing with the old me^^FRIEND ME~!!Who doesnt like making friends?! I like meeting new people you guuuise! Im a lonely girl with her freaking laptop and junk food!! I NEED A SOCIAL LIFE! So friend me :) I dont bite, I just raaawr. lolARE YOU READY MY POKERS? (I CALL MY READERS THIS, SUPER RARE THO LOLOL)THEN ENJOY THE ADVENTURE POKERS! RELASE THE FEELS~!***P.S: if youre umcomfortable with the two dad thing, well, uh, Im sorry! I just wanted something different. And dont worry there are no yaoi or smut in this story! (maybe descriptive stuff but NO SMUT! cause i suck at it. lol) Like a kiss or a peck, but nothing else! I PROMISE! I know having two dads isnt really a good thing is South Korea, so I apologize!!***ALSO: THERE WILL BE LANGUAGE IN SOME CHAPTERS~! oh yeaaah adulthoooood!SO LETS GET GOING~! ON THE ROAD TO ADULTHOOD!P.S.S: DONT YOU DARE PLAGIARIZE MY STORY!! OR ILL CUT YOU. ^^PANDA_POKE^^
