~~~ I came up with this idea I watched an interview of the guys during the Juliette era. It just progressed from there. I decided that this may be the best story to put up since I really miss the guys. Im happy for them but I think theyve been in Japan for too long; and I personally think theyve grown thinner. Like seriously! Anyway, I hope this you guys enjoy my story... :)) ~~~ CHARACTERS: SHINee ~~~ as themselves. Lee Saera [ S or Sarah ] ~~~ Shes a nice girl with caramel skin, straight black hair that goes down till her lower back, natural pink lips and flushed cheeks, and almond-shaped eyes with long lashes. She stands about 53 - 54 tall. Not exceptionally pretty but her personality makes her even more beautiful. Shes caring, approachable, friendly, and fun loving. She has a pure heart and charming smile that makes people like her instantly. Shes also creative and passionate about the Arts. She doesnt like showing other people that shes down or hurt or upset because she doesnt want to worry them nor bring down the mood of her companions. However, the near death encounter she had caused her to be claustrophobic. * Other characters may appear as the story goes along. Some may be fictional and some may be idols as well. DISCLAIMER:---> This is a fictional story so if ever the name of another idol appears in the story as an ANTAGONIST, please dont get all hysterical. If you dont like it simply, change the name as you read or feel free to stop reading it. ---> I am 100 % against PLAGIARISM so you can bet that I did not take this story from anyone else. Any similarities that my story may contain to any other story are purely coincidental. I assure you that. Besides, Ive started writing this story way before I joined this site. Ive handwritten it first. ~thanks to aerin of for the poster & bg!!!~ Ive also written a Jonghyun fic and Im currently putting up a Tae fic. Foreword He’s competitive. He’s manly. He’s athletic. He’s quiet and observant. He’s smart and inquisitive. He’s a model. He’s an actor. He’s a passionate performer. He’s none other than SHINee’s Flaming Charisma and Noona-killer, Choi Minho. That’s not all that he is though. He’s also a closet fanboy. Being a fangirl is not a very easy thing. People think its as simple as worshiping these idols who doesnt even have a clue or have no idea that you even exist. But have you ever wondered how much harder it would be for an idol to become a fanboy/fangirl? *comments and constructive criticisms(constructive criticism, not rude remarks) are encouraged... :p*