Chocolate Brownies

Comedy 10K Active
Author: WonyosUnni
Time: 2023-11-02

A Syeonsha fic!When it is that time of the month for Sihyeon and she starts craving some chocolate, Aisha buys some chocolate brownies for her.This is a short story and contains 3 chapters.  Wonyoung makes an appearance, so watch out for some Annyeongz too! ForewordThis is a really random prompt I thought of and I just decided to go with it.  I have never seen a single fic for Sihyeon/Aisha (Syeonsha) even once before, so maybe Im the pioneer. Who knows?They are my absolute favourite Everglow ship, but I do love every single ship this group has to offer! By the way, I am also an IZ*ONE fan especially of Wonyoung, so this fic will include her as a side character! Do look forward to it. Enjoy!
