Which Member of F.T. Island are You Compatible With?

Ftisland 10K Active
Latest: Pisces
Time: 2023-11-02

Based on his and your zodiac sign, Ill determine which member of F. T. Island  is your most compatible match!   Will your bias be your dream date or worse nightmare? Find out now soon!   ForewordMy Number One Rule-  Leave a Comment! Two updates in one day? Im on a roll! Once again, Im not really familar with this group so its possible I mispelled names or used wrong pictures. Oh, and ThePrince, I hope Hongki is your perfect match!! ^-^                  What is your sign?          Ariese(March 21- April 20)  Tauruse(April 21- May 21)  Geminie (May 22- June 21) Cancere(June 22- July 22)  Leoe(July 23- August 22)  Virgoe(August 23- September 23)  Librae(September 24- October 22)  Scorpioe(October 23- November 21)  Sagittariuse(November 22- December 22)  Capricorne(December 23-January 20)  Aquariuse(January 21- February 19)  Piscese (February 20- March 20)       This is not one of those stories that I will update over and over again. This is pretty much like a oneshot story. This is all based on astrology. Since I’m not a professional astrologer, some things won’t be 100% accurate. For entertainment purposes only. Do not steal! If you do steal, at least make it more accurate before reposting.
