♥ `l o v e d u s t; 「editing mode 」

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Author: haebwa
Time: 2023-11-02

♥love ∞ dust                                                                                                                                                                      A STORY BY HAEBWA seven lives, seven hearts and seven girls are drawn togetherfor the first time with the mutual want to know one thing;how to heal the pain of a broken heart?after purchasing a bottle of love dust and following theinstructions, not one of them expects anything to change. ❝do you believe in magic?❞  RULESone; subscribe if youre applying. two; upvotes are optional but very welcome. three; keep applications neat and tidy and use the source code. four; love interests are limited to the boys of infinite and kim sunggyu is taken. five; read the cheatsheet provided as it will give extra information and the password. six; pay attention to your plotline when filling in your application. seven; comments and feedback are appreciated, especially if your character is selected. eight; make sure to ask any questions you may have before you submit your application. nine; submit your completed application in blog post form at the turn-in. ten; have fun applying guys!   Foreword —tomorrow my day will start like nothing is wrong;AUTHOrs PROFILEPLOTLINESAPPLICATION&TURN-INSOURCE CODEcheatsheetexample application♥                                               and I will forget you.    STORY INFOtitle; love dust — author; haebwa genre; romance, drama, fluff, fantasyapplicants; chosen applicants&infinitedeadline; november 4th, midnight gmt
