The Red String of Fate

Bangyongguk 50K Active
Author: angelxkiseu
Latest: Epilogue 4
Time: 2023-11-02

There was a deadline. A decision had to be made or the course of nature will play its role in tying to people together.  A big big big thanks to Midnight Fantasy and iSoul for this beautiful poster and cute background!  *Mild language present, you are warned if you cant handle some swearing* Foreword(Seulrins POV) It wasnt suppose to end this way, hearts were not meant to be broken and tears werent suppos to be shed. The rain pounded against the window as if someone was throwing angry fists. I took one last look at my apartment before stepping out into the dimly lit hallway. Throughout the one year time span, this place has become precious to me, a sanctuary full of memories, warmth, love and happiness. It was now empty, the memories all wiped out as if it had all been one small dream. (Yongguks POV) "Shes not right for you," ummas words stung like poison, "I will not allow you to find her," she stood in front of the door with her arms crossed. "You can take everything away from me but nothing will stop me from finding her, Im already a dead man, she has took something from me that I will never get back," I said calmly trying to find the right words . I threw on my shoes and dashed out of the house and into the cold rain with my mind only set on her. I wasnt ready to let her go.
