Last Spring
It was many years ago that he had last hold his frail hand in his. It was on a spring day, like this one. Birds were chirping happily, the sky was clear though it was still extremely cold. They were happy.If he thinks back, he cant help but wonder with a bitter smile...Where is he? ForewordWhen lovers separate, let it be by force or on the own accord, they feel empty. Seunghyun knows it well because he still feels the same emptiness. Jiyong had left so many years ago, yet his heart is still beating for the boy.Why? He had wondered about it many times, too.He can never come up with a real answer though...Why? One most wonder... Its because he doesnt know one little thing that seems so fake, so cliche...Its because he doesnt know that true love never expiresAN: Lame intro is lame xD Okay, so this is a very very very late (and hopefully still accepted) submission, to cycle one of PENS, PLANS, AND THE GREAT PERHAPS || Writing Contest.Its almost done so hopefully I wont be too late xDPrompt: True love doesnt have an expiration date.