Unexpected Yet Wonderful
Hi there everyone, this is my very first fanfic mainly YOONYUL and the rest of the ACE FAMILY. Since YoonYul is my first and forever OTP~ I just want to make one :D even though Im just a beginner I hope you understand the story and I personally appreciate your comments.Ill try to update more soon, and uhh, yeah Im still studying so theres a lot of work I need to do but I promise Ill update often.Hope everybody would like my fic :) Foreword One wonderful afternoon in the beach, there standing by the sea, two beautiful girls wandered around as they were walking. They then began to chase each other and enjoyed each others presence."Yoona?.." The older girl said, observing the very beautiful doe-eyed girl in front of her, smiling.The girl turned her head with a mesmerizing smile which the latter find it precious and wants that very angellic face all by herself."Yes? Is there something wrong, honey?" still smiling, she gave a quick peck on the latters lips which made both of them blush hardly. She cant help but giggle to her girlfriend’s act.Taking the younger girls hand, she caressed it and kissed it. " I Love You So Much Yoona! Very much that I could die without you in my life" with a smile on both girls faces, they hugged each other, feeling their soft hair and smelling that sweet scent."Yah! You know that I Love You too with all my heart. And thats something that will never die, I lost you once, but never will it happen again. I cant bear a day without you, I Love You Kwon Yuri." Yoona leaned closer and took her lovers lips and kissed her passionately, she wrapped her hands around the older girls waist and pulled her closer, which the latter responded by wrapping her hands around her girlfriends neck. As they broke their lips apart, they stared onto each others eyes, sharing love stares; they cant help but giggle with their childish act.Since its their very special date, Yuri prepared something to eat. As the food was carefully placed to the blanket that they sat on, Yoona yelp in excitement, she loves the food Yuri always cooks, she loves how Yuri take good care for her, and everything about Yuri.Yuri fed Yoona, which the latter gladly accepted, and did the same to her lover.After they ate the food Yuri made for them... They lay down on their blanket, feeling the soft white sand of the beach. After cuddling for quite a while, they stood up and watch as the sun sets."This is so beautiful...You are beautiful." Yoona said as she tilted her head to Yuri.Yuri then took Yoonas hand as she stared onto her beautiful eyes. She couldnt help herself anymore; she then unexpectedly kissed Yoona on the lips for at least 5 seconds. Yoona was stunned but surprisingly she wanted more. Yoona craved for Yuris soft, luscious lips. As Yuri took the hint of Yoona wanting more, she kissed her again, long and passionately, but broke when both needed air.As time went so fast, the sky faintly went dark. They started packing their belongings and decided to head back, leaving the place, both walked hand in hand till they arrived to their so called HOME.___________________________________________________