Can You Smile

Dongwoo 00K Active
Author: joejeongie
Latest: Squeal
Time: 2023-11-02

Sungjong left Myungsoo, so that he could be happy. The backlash of it all was leaving Sungjong in pain as the memories continue to replay in his mind. Dongwoo just so happens to be knowing whats doing on. ForewordPairing :: Dongwoo x SungjongGroup :: InfiniteRating :: PG 13  lmfao so terribly written. OTL... I was just venting crap -rollsaround- I love all of infinite ;___; really. and pairings. -cry-  //wantsmoreDongJong... wrote this because ... yeahventingandiwanteddongjong...and..and... Ive been listening to Can You Smile and omg sdlighawogih ;_______; I love that song so hard. so many plays already. <3 their voices.
