Will You Catch Me If I Fall?
Author: michigopotato
Latest: Hehehe
Time: 2023-11-02
Will You catch me if I fall?-Dara Do you even need to ask?I always have.....-Jiyong ForewordHey there guys!!! Another Daragon oneshot (or maybe twoshot or even three shot....) from me!!!!!! Hope you guys will like this one!!!!! ^^Some ideas have popped into my mind and so Im gonna write em up!!! All are not Daragon though.....But if you guys want, you can check em out as well.....if you like my writing, that is.......Dont forget to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT if you like it!!! They are LOVED!!!! ^-^Credits for the poster goes to C-Ninja-H!!! Thanks a bunch, chingu!! ^^