Will The Time Be Ever Right For Us? (Destined Times)
A story about star-crossed lovers who are never in the right time or the right place; Tzuyu and Sana are long time best friends who met each other in high school. Both are oblivious to the fact that theyre meant for each other. They pass through chapters of their lives, holding unrequited love for one another, but the price of friendship always manages to hold back their urges to pull through. Will they ever be in the right time, the right place, the right moment?Im not very good at updating, or finishing my stories lol, but I really will try to continue this story despite the fact that school is starting. Itll be very hard but I will try to at least update once a week. Its called "Will The Time Be Ever Right For Us?" But the short version is "Destined Times" Foreword"Will I ever find my Romeo?" Tzuyu asks, as she lets her long, tanned legs skim over the wooden chips under the swing.Sana turns to her, eyebrows narrowed, "Youre beautiful, of course you will," She reassured, as a warm smile crept on her face.The Taiwanese girl nodded, her eyes focused to the ground, "What if it doesnt work out?" She questions, as she turns her head to face Sana who looks up to the sky, searching for answers to hearten her young, anxious friend.Sana stands up, crouching in front of Tzuyu, her hands gripping onto the chains of the swing. "Tzuyu, youre still young, you will have all the time in the world to find your Romeo," She says, staring into the girls brown orbs, slightly flustering her and causing her to move back, "You just need to be in the right place, at the right time." The girl adds, then setting herself down on the wooden chips as she watches a relaxed smile sneak onto Tzuyus face.Tzuyu raises a finger up to the sky "Youre right unnie!" The girl exclaims, "Be in the right place and the right time!" She yells, standing up from the swing, making a scene in front of all the surrounding children nearby. The two girls begin to laugh, quickly grabbing their belongings to leave the viscinity.The young girl watches Sana giggle as they walk arm in arm, quickly etching those words in her heart and mind, "Right Place, Right Time."