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It started with one mall’s stupid computer malfunctioning; now it’s going to end with SHINee stuck in that mall’s elevator with an anti-fan, or possibly, the worst anti-fan EVER. Also, they’re stuck in there for twenty-four hours.And she’s the only person in there with food. Foreword “Seriously!” Key insisted. “I NEED more pink. The lack of therefo is sickening me. If I don’t buy at least one more pink shirt, I’ll dress like…ugh, Jonghyun.” Jonghyun blinked for moment, before realizing he had been insulted. “Hey! I dress perfectly fine, thanks very much!”Minho rolled his eyes at them.“Actually,” Taemin piped. “I’ve been meaning to buy a new binder for Japanese Class.”“SEE?” Key cried, excited that he had another reason to go to the mall. “Taeminnie needs a new binder, we cannot let our little maknae go to school binderless. It’s settled, we’re going.”“Oh, hell no. Please tell him we aren’t wasting a perfectly good day off for that!” Jonghyun wailed, eyes on Onew. After a second, all eyes were on the leader, watching him expectantly.“So…” Taemin trailed. “Can we go, Onew?”The leader sighed. “You guys better behave.”Key pumped a fist in the air. “YES!”“But I don’t want to go to the stupid mall!” Jonghyun complained.“Then stay here.” Minho suggested, getting up.After a second of contemplation, Jonghyun followed Minho. It was just a quick trip the mall, how bad could it be?If he only knew. PROLOGUE: Hour of the stupid computer malfunction.It’s not our fault. You’re the one who came to this mall, after all.“I despise this place greatly,” announced Meeyon, as she watched the hordes of South Koreans run from store to store, all of those people amazed by the low-prices of the items being sold. “Oh, stop being such a killjoy,” Her sister said. “Anyway, I need to go to that American store that opened up here recently; their graphic tees are to die for! Here,” she handed her sister a few bills. “Go buy some food or something and meet me back here in an hour, okay?” Meeyon gave her sister a blank stare. “Sure.”Waving back at her sister, Meeyon headed toward the direction of the convenience store, on her way there she passed a music store that was blasting out SHINee’s Lucifer.She scrunched her nose in disgust. “They can’t even sing, and they look like girls.” She muttered to herself, earning a death glare from another girl who had a heard her.What? She thought reaching the petite convenience store and picking up unnecessary food items. It’s the truth. ...“It is,” Jonghyun insisted. Key flashed him a look of disbelief. “What? You asked if that made you look fat, and I said yes. God, you’re such a girl.”“DIVA,” Key corrected. “And fine, I won’t buy it.” With a dramatic sigh, he changed out of the tee-shirt, refolded it, and left the store with Jonghyun trailing behind.Jonghyun looked around the mall. “You’d think they’d at least try to recognize us.”Key smacked him. “Why do you think we’re wearing these, fool? Do you want to spend the next two hours getting ogled at?”“Nah, you do enough of that, anyway,” he said with a wink, and earned himself another hit in the head. “Oh, hey, look there’s the rest of ‘em.” He pointed at his disguised band-mates. “Any luck?” Key asked Taemin.“No,” he said. “Can we try that supplies store on the third floor? I think they might have some.”Key nodded, leading the group towards the elevator of the mall. “Sure, I can stop by that new American store; I hear their graphics tees are to die for!”They heard someone mutter a, “So she was right.” Looking to their right, they noticed a girl happily sipping a can of Pespi, leaning against the wall next to the elevator. She stared back at them for a second, and then refocused her attention to the coming elevator....“Ugh, this job is so boring.”“Oi, quit complaining.”“Whatever. Hey, do you want some Ramen—OH SHIT.”“What? What happened?”“My ramen spilled all over the main computer—SHIT! IT’S MALFUNCTIONING!”“YOU IDIOT! QUICKLY, WIPE THE RAMEN OFF OF THE KEYBOARD!”“AH! NO! NO! STOP THAT! NO DO NOT RANDOMLY SHUT EVERYTHING IN THE MALL OFF! NOOOOO!”"..."“You are so fired, man. Sooo fucking fired.”...“What’s going on?” Taemin exclaimed as the elevator stopped moving.“Oh, crap, I think the power’s out,” said Onew.Key gasped. “You mean we’re stuck in here?”“Hyung,” Minho said, trying to calm the older boy, “they’ll probably fix this in, like, a minute or so.”Jonghyun buried his face in his hands. “Nooo! This can’t be happening. I’m SHINee’s Bling-Bling for god’s sake! Stuff like this can’t happen.” “Did you just say you’re from SHINee?”Jonghyun mentally slapped himself in the face. So much for being inconspicuous.