the chronicles

Dbsk 00K Active
Author: heephrodisiac
Latest: soulmates
Time: 2023-11-02

“Have you heard?!” Spemho paused on his tracks as his friend, Spemsu’s, shriek was heard all over the Seminiferous Tubules. “Master Geng is going to explode soon and I heard Mistress Heechul’s egg is the prettiest one out there.” Forewordyunho/jaejoong (spermho x jaegg cell) and hit-and-miss hankyung/heechulromance, humour / pg13 / drabble / warning: genderswitch (heechul and jaejoong sorta)    “We know you too well, Spermho hyung. And we knew you’d be interested in Jaegg. That’s her name, by the way. You haven’t been joining any swimathon for three sexual intercourses now so we figured we’d give this one to you.”   this is probably the weirdest thing i’ve ever written but whatever lol and for reference: spermho (yunho), spermsu (junsu), spermchun (yoochun), spermmin (changmin) and the muse jaegg (jaejoong)disclaimer: this is in no way accurate. i know nothing about the semen life so yeah
