assassins | bts x red velvet

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Author: seulgasm
Latest: 02: Victims
Time: 2023-11-02

btsvelvet | assassin x superpower!aublood sucking, mind-reading, hypnotizing, immunity, assassins, criminals, scientist, governments, angels; all put into one to make a sick, twisted story of how bae joohyun discovers the truth about herself and to the world she lives in. ForewordAnti-Government Secret OrganizationThe DivineMain organization. Most skilled assassins and spies is in here.SilenceDivines affiliates. Spies, gun mans, hackers and any technology-wise job is in here.The BondGreatest scientist. They discover things and keep it from humanity. Usually, when they discover things, they would use it for themselves or sell it to the Silence to make a new weapon against it.Government AffiliatesAquilaAssassins that were dispatched to stop the antis for making havoc. Not only they have a skilled-assassin but also, each agent of the Aquila possesses a distinct powers/ability.The LambsWere assigned to guard the affiliates, the country, the governments private sector and more.HuntersSpies and assassins. Aquilas secret sub-company.
