The 14th Poem

Angst 70K Active
Author: jinchan20
Time: 2023-11-02

Doyoung is a part-time worker at NCT Blends, a coffee shop near his high school. One night, a new customer comes in and blows his mind away. Doyoung swears that its love at first sight, but how could he know when he never really loved before? This is a story of how Doyoungs life turned upside down after meeting Jaehyun, the charismatic, smart, and sexy man of his dreams.       "Just when I thought that Ive seen the last of Jaehyun, something totally surprising happened that afternoon when one of my closest friends, Mina, walked in the floors of NCT Blends." ForewordHi everyone! Its been a very very very long time since I managed to write a story here in AFF. My other story, A Starlight Song, has been stucked in chapter six for two years already. Im so sorry everyone! T.T So with that, i plan to redeem myself and promise to finish this story about my latest addiction which is NCT (especially DoJae they are my favorites! :D ). Im planning for this to have around 20 chapters depending on the readers (you) reception. I hope that youll love this story and sorry for a long description which basically leads to just thousands of questions about where this story is going. Youll find a light soon once the first chapter is up.Hint on why its title is "The 14th Poem":Doyoung is an aspiring poetry and prose writer. He cant express himself very well in normal conversations thats why when Jaehyun needed somebody to talk to............. hahahaha i love cliffhangers! :DPlease subscribe to my story and upvote it if you think its good! Thank you <3P.SPlease vote for NCT on MAMA! I just love imagining how happy they would be if would receive that award omo T.TAlso, please vote for BlackPink and Day6 OMG <3    Awesome graphics by C☉L☉R BUCKET ™ - poster shop
