Blunt Honesty: A Review Shop [CLOSED. AT LEAST UNTIL MOTIVATION COMES BACK. (except The Avocado)]

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Author: boolProp269
Time: 2023-11-02

Were bluntly honest about how fail (or good) your fics are.but were trying to help you improve• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •  Foreword"Yet another review shop," you say?Well. Yes.Just like a lot of other shops, were going for brutal honesty because were all avid readers with relatively high standards and a decent grasp of the English language. Were not the best writers, but we hope to help you be better (because, as previously mentioned, were avid readers). Of course, we can also sugarcoat, because our goal isnt to discourage people from writing. Blunt Honesty. Review shop. Welcome.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •  ► Shop Status            ☑open - ☐ busy - ☐ closed - ☐ under construction - ☐ hiring• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ► Rulessubscribe, because otherwise its difficult to track you/your storycomment after recieving reviewgive us at least a week to look over and complete a reviewput your application as a commentthese reviews take our time and effort, so please credit us somewhere in your story; preferably in the foreword or description.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ► Review Statusememyang • An Angels Embrace • In Progess (Lia)slat101 • Nostalgia • Pending (Lia)HerLovelyWinterRose • Finding you. • Pending (Lee)AshesAngel • Birthday Suprise • Pending (Lee)selline • Miss No Label • In-Progress (Lee)theNSO • My Engineered Life! • Completedasianswagg • Push, Play, Rewind • CompletedCrys_Marie2oo5 • Miles Away • Completedtheloveinlife • A Price To Pay • Completeddeibaby03 • Do Love Your Neighbors • Completedkimjong-deul • First Kiss • Completedhuhudad • We Grew Up • Completedrhienz03 • Just a Substitute • CompletedAkatCuties • EXO Division • CompletedGreenGardenPop • Heartfelt Voice • Completedclumsyblue • The Tournament • CompletedToneHarmonic • The Days Before  • Completedriraitoshite • word:kill • CompletedGothicMermaid • For Better Or For Worse • CompletedKatyMikayla • Key to Her Soul • Completedjelly_donut • Count On Me • CompletedGreenGardenPop • Silent Night • CompletedMilky-chan • That Odd Feeling • Completed (Key: pending = received but not started, (requested reviewer), (errors with application), single spaced list = received review and commented, crossed off = author commented after receiving review and we are credited in the story. the review process is finished)
