Moving In (With You)
Title: Moving In (With You)Length: oneshotGenre: fluff, comedy, romancePairings: Mingyu/Wonwoo, Soonyoung(Hoshi)/Jihoon(Woozi), Seungcheol/Jeonghan, featuring baby!JoshuaSummary: in which Seungcheol and Jeonghan are moving out of their apartments and Soonyoung and Mingyu dont want new neighbors. Foreword“Sorry about that,” Seungcheol said as he came into the room. “I was on the phone with the people buying the house. They’re going to be here in just a little while.”Mingyu pouted. Seungcheol, Jeonghan and Jisoo moving meant new people buying and living across from him. He didn’t really like change; he liked how Seungcheol lived across from him, how they owned their own pool table, or how they sometimes invite them over to watch football.What if their new neighbors didn’t have a pool table? Or if they dont watch football? Or even worse, they own a cat. “Hyung,” Mingyu called from the couch. “What do you think will happen when the new neighbors move in? What if we don’t like them?” He asked with such concern and Soonyoung agreed, because they had a mental age of five. “I don’t want new neighbors.”Soonyoung cried along. "What if the new neighbors are super old and they hate loud noise and we’d have to actually keep our music down? What if they don’t like my dancing? Or what if they won’t like your cooking.”“STOP, STOP, STOP!” Mingyu begged with such misery. He kneeled to the floor, not want to hear more. They don’t want to live in a nightmare. “I know what to do.” Mingyu said and Soonyoung raised an eyebrow. “We’ll have to rig this place, make them think this place is haunted or something. It’s perfect! We’ll unscrew some things, break some chairs, put up scary stuff, IT’S PERFECT.”Soonyoung snapped his fingers. “I like the way to think, genius!” They both cheered out loud and Jisoo blinked in confusion. “Only thing is to get this started. Hyung said the people will be here soon. We have to act fast!”“I got it.” Mingyu said. “I’ll put a water bucket on top of the door, we’ll act like obnoxious kids, they’ll have no choice but to move back to whatever hole they’re from. And if they don’t buy the apartment, then it’ll be empty and it’ll be ours!”“GENIUS, GENIUS, GENIUS!”“I KNOW!”