Love and Hip HoP: KoreaThe wild and drama filled franchise that took America by storm has decided to come to Korea! Follow your favorite artists as they struggle to juggle love, drama, and music.An AU semi-smut roleplay. Drama focused, 3rd POV and detailed 1st POV. Facebook based. 05/12/16 - Accepting reservations!05/20/16 - Will officially open!more about usAnyone who is a fan of ratchet and trash television knows about Love and Hip Hop. Often accused of being staged, it follows the lives of celebrities and their lesser known lovers as they struggle with maintaining their careers and keeping their love life in tact. It isnt easy of course, with all the cheating, baby mama drama, and sex, its no wonder Love and Hip Hop is always filled with drama. Feeling that there was only a limited amount of drama they could have in America before it became annoying, the producers felt it was time to hit some untapped potential. Rather than go to Canada or Europe, they decided to go where few people have taken trash television before: Korea.Despite outcry from Netizens demanding the show not happen and for it to not taint South Koreas good image, it went on without a hitch. Finally the world could see all the drama that Koreas idol scene and hip hop scene had to offer.1 members1 admins0 eventsrules & how to join001) Subscribing is a must. Upvoting is greatly appreciated. 002) Make your profile friends only and change your settings for friend requests friends of friends. Make your alternative name your job title. For example: Irene (Singer). 003) This is an AU, meaning you are not the idol. However, you have the option to keep your face claims name, stage name, or make up a new name. 004) This RP strives and focuses on drama. In order to avoid any unnecessary stress, it may be best to plot your drama beforehand. 005) All drama should be IC only. No OOC drama. If there is any issue, - password is your favorite TV show - contact an admin immediately. 006) If you are locked out, tell an admin immediately. If leaving or going on a hiatus, tell an admin as well. 007) Smut is allowed everywhere. 008) No face chasing or godmodding. Be fair to everyone. 009) Only one character per person. 010) Keep OOC talk to a minimum and save it for the OOC group. 011) There is no dating ban and no pregnancy ban. 012) One week of inactivity will result in you being kicked outMake sure to read the job descriptions page in case you are confused or curious about what jobs may be available. Once youre prepared, copy and paste the following application below and comment below. Once accepted, add the admins and wait to be added Claim:dob:occupation:background:personality:password:event #00 ─ events dope nameLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut quam luctus odio sodales sollicitudin. Vivamus a sollicitudin purus. Nunc vitae eleifend metus. Donec congue dictum ultrices. Duis placerat ligula justo. Maecenas eget quam nec lacus cursus condimentum vitae sed mauris. Nam accumsan ornare arcu, ut lacinia eros varius eget. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum ut tempus enim. Sed mauris purus, faucibus auctor dui et, tincidunt egestas more ▶e. ForewordWE ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS ONLYTHE ROLEPLAY WILL OFFICIALLY OPEN ON MAY 20THIF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE AN ADMIN, MESSAGE THE BASE