My Raft for English~

Oneshot 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-02

Hio. :3So, I decided to post my raft that I wrote for English class. Its quite childish and random, so dont bash me if you read this. Sorry.. Anyways, this raft is about a marshmallow named "Mewo" (yes, random I know wait until you hear the next part) and a bon fire named "Bonny", they talk about life and the reason to life, and it references to William Shakespeares "A Midsummer Nights Dream". I just wanted to post it on here because I thought my story tab need a little sparkle > ~< And plus my teacher loved it to the point that he read it out loud to the class... with the cutesy voices included... It was... weird. Just imagine a grown up man in his late-20s saying, "But i didnt do anything wrong!!" in a little kindergarten voice. Yea, thats how wacky( but, cool ) my teacher is. So yeah, i hope you enjoy and comment.DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!! I WORKED HARD ON THIS!!! Please & Thanks~! Here, you go~! Enjoy JR > ~ < So cute! <333 ForewordThis spot right here, right here.... needs something.... I dont know what so Ill just write and add a GIF at the end~! Okey! Hope you enjoy this OneShot~! Befriend Me, talk to me on my wall ( I like talking > ~ < ), and/or comment bellow~! Enjoy this deep quote~And this GIF of drunk Dongwoo (?)
