Choiseunghyun 00K Active
Author: JessLoveYoung
Time: 2023-11-02

Just a one shot story that inspired by Im sorry by Gummy Im really scare of birds. I think Im seriously allegry to them! I couldnt even look at the video in complete version! Dont ask me why because I dont know!So, I was thinking if its like the video, SeungHyun is the bird, will I love him? I think mostly No, because Im still trembling even just a single glancethen I think... what if the story twisted?! how would that be?  So here it is...SeungHyun was in love with a....non human creature. She is a bird that turn into human form. They were deeply madly in love and eventually SeungHyun knew her real identity. However, he still loves her. In an accidents, they both lost their memories and been separated. SeungHyun become a person who is very in love with birds while she is very scare. Scare of being a bird again? or anything?! SeungHyun went to many pet shops to set all the birds free. He can never explain why he feel extremely sad when he saw those birds been caged. Is like he could feel for them! He always walking around and seem like searching something! However, SeungHyun cant recall what he is trying to find.
