9 4 s C A N D A L

Other 10K Active
Author: caffeaddict98
Time: 2023-11-02

9 4  s C A N D A LShe met him last night in a club,who turned out to be her classmate next day.- SoojiHe bumped into her,and that convince him to stay.- SehunHe still an unknown,a twist & turns.- unknown                                                                                                       Foreword| C A S T |                      Bae SuzyA 19 years old girl, taking a part time job in a night club.Shy beautiful girl in school, but pretty sexy outside.                    Oh SehunA 19 years old handsome spoiled brat, likes clubbing.Known for his pretty handsome looks & mischevious behaviour.                                         EXO (K)A well-known boy group in XO Academy. And more character(if any) to be reveal.....A/N : Hi readers, its me Caffeaddict98. ((who are me?)) Anyways... A full length story of Hunzy present, so please do look forward. And the most important, dont forget to ||| S U B S C R I B E  |  R E A D  |  C O M M E N T  |  U P V O T E |||
