My Bad Robot Boyfriend

Romance 10K Active
Author: wakaiko
Latest: TAH DAH!
Time: 2023-11-02

BRIEF DESCRIPTIONThe robot are taking over the world but not just only made for labour uses but lovers too. The robot industries created a kind of robot that would love you, with a perfect face and flawless skin. The sales are now flying over the economys roof with millions of sales in almost every countries. Now they are stating that they will, "create more human-like robots." With ranges of new features such as, imitating humans temperature and now people are able to install all the rest of the 5 human senses.  BRIEF PLOTLu Han is an ordinary boy but with an incredible singing talent and even his looks got people mistaken him for being a robot. Although, he doesnt live a perfect life wiith his extreme living conditions and living by himself. One rainy evening, He was heading toward the grocerys but spotted a figure of a man,with numerous garbage bags piled on top of him. What would Lu han do? ForewordCHARACTERS:Lu Han as the founder/owner of the robotSe Hun as a "boyfriend robot"Victoria Song as Former Owneretc.. Lu Han Se Hun                                                            Victoria Song
