Whisper In My Ear (Loving You Until The Day I Die) Sequel

Adventure 00K Active
Author: s3xyangel
Time: 2023-11-02

— ❉ Whisper In My EarIt has been two years since Donghae was gone. Eunhyuk is now the head of his company, everyone would think he has the perfect life right? But he doesnt, he never fell the same for anyone except Donghae. No matter how his parents told him to let go...he couldnt. It wasnt right to let go of his lover. No matter where Donghae is, his heart will always belong to him. Eunhyuk believed that Donghae will one day come back so he decided to lock away his heart until that day comes. When Donghae returns he screams out for Eunhyuks help. How can Eunhyuk help Donghae when Donghae is being chained by a person whose name should not be spoke. Please read Loving You Until The Day I Die, That is the prequel. ———— Author Note⇒ Credit:  layout credit   Foreword — ❉ Whisper In My EarTwo years ago...Eunhyuks tear began to fall down his face, dripping into Donghaes face. Donghaes body began to fade...within seconds, he vanished. Cherry blossoms replaces him."Donghae!" Eunhyuk yelled.He knew that Hae wouldnt be back...deep inside, he knew. He took Donghaes clothes and bury them under the cherry blossom tree. When he was done, he wiped off his tears and smiled. When he looked back, he could see Donghae smiling and waving at him in his wedding dress."I love you...Hae-ah."Eunhyuk walked into the church, opening the church door...everyone stared at him and he smiled. Before he walked inside, he heard the wind whisper...I love you too.Eunhyuks pov:I knew that by the 12 dong of the church bell, Donghae will leave me. I knew that but I still cant let him go. No matter where he is, he is still in my heart. I cant forget about him. Everyone pities me but there shouldnt be any pity for me. I loved Donghae and I will never love another again. ———— Author Note⇒ Credit: Exotic GroundsCredit Mochi MochiCredit: Heavens Door.Credit RidiculousCredit The White Box.Credit The Blue BoxCredit Dernier Cris3xyangel © 2013 layout credit
