War of Love and Hate

Blockb 20K Active
Author: Kpoppingit
Latest: Let it begin.
Time: 2023-11-02

Team Red Tiger and Black Dragon have been on a turf war for years. Two different styles, two outrageous leaders! But, what happens when the rest of the teams get involved. They usually just stay behind and let their leaders doing the fighting, but now theyve been called to action. The gangs will soon meet each other and what will happen? Theres a sudden interest in a small members eyes. Come along and choose a gang, and a ship to follow. Enjoy!------------Hi guys! Im here with yet another Block B story! Im sorry, I just really love them. And yes, there will be ships sailing. Its based off of Block Bs NalinA! I really want more stories about the rivalry and love between them. I hope you enjoy! LET THE SHIPS SAIL!!!! Foreword       "Im done!" The leader Zico screamed. "Ive let them step on our turf  for way too long..." He turned to see his gang behind him, watching. Zico looked up to a wall painted in all red the words "DOWN WITH TIGERS" was written. Zico snarled and turned. "Ive been fighting this guys, Jaehyo has gone too far." Zico looked over to a small boy with dorky glasses. "Taeilie, listen. The whole gang is involved now, but I want you to stay behind. Youre to new, too weak." Taeil looked away. 10 years ago his parents were killed by some "black dragons" for owing them some money. Taeil wanted revenge, but Zico was right. Taeil was too weak, to inexperienced with fighting. Taeil just nodded and walked along with Kyung and the others. Zico looked back and dropped a lit match on the ground. "I will end you Jaehyo..."
