It All Started With A Dance Practice
T I T L E | It All Started With A Dance PracticeA U T H O R & C O – A U T H O R | Mikato & SHERLYND A T E S T A R T E D | 26/05/2012D A T E E N D E D | -P O S T E R | Shut Up! Poster Request Shop ; JiSeul B A C K G R O U N D | Aries ; xb2stmaknae “Here, wipe your tears.” He held out a packet of tissue.She stared at him blankly.“Come on.” He urged her.She took it and he smiled at her.-“I love you.”“I love you too.”-“Why? Why did you do this to me?” Tears were streaming down her face.“I... I can explain!” He pleaded as she walked away.-“The winner of this year’s competition are...” ForewordDance Crew; VenusYou aka Park Hye Mi, Leader of Venus, 2nd OldestHong Yong Gi, Oldest in VenusJeong Seo Yeong, 3rd Oldest in VenusSong Han Ah, Maknae of VenusDance Crew; NU’EST(From left, Minhyun, Ren, JR, Baekho, Aron)Kim Jong Hyun aka JR, Leader of NU’EST, 2nd OldestAron, Oldest in NU’ESTBaekho, 3rd Oldest in NU’ESTMinhyun, 4th Oldest in NU’ESTRen, Maknae of NU’EST© Copyrighted 2012; All Rights Reserved. Plot by SHERLYN. Credits of uzzlang photos to their respective owners.