This is a FF that I wrote a long time a go inspired by the another FF wrote by theclumsywitch about yongseo baby Jung Hana. The story reminded me a lot to days when I carried my daughters and the amazing experience and happiness I got watching them growing from babies, toddlers, until now when they both turned teenagers. Ive post this on my LJ account and decided to re-post it here as Ive always thought to make this one story as mini series. Can you help me read this story and tell me whether its good enough for me to add a few chapters through comments? Thanks.Everytime I looked at my daughters when they were babies, I could not help but wonder what they both had inside their minds and how they seemed to have a special way to communicate between them and other babies which adults could never understood. We always laughed over babies cuteness but did you ever think that maybe babies might think that were adults as weird creatures and laughed back at us?? Anyway, happy reading. And thanks for lovely thoughts you shared to me through the previous FF posted here. PS: Thanks for the picture. I have fallen for it the second I saw it on twitter. Its a heart warming creativity from an unmistakebly talented goguma.