Married Life(Hiatus)

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Author: minyul24
Time: 2023-11-02

They love each other very much since they were little,so they decidedto get married as soon as they finish college.They go go through alot oftrouble right after they get married,they fight and they agrue.Even thoughthey fight they know in their hearts that they love each other. Kim Hyoyeon22 yrs old.Married to Doojoon Yoon Doojoon23 yrs old.Hyoyeons husband Kwon Yuri22 yrs old.Hyoyeons bestfriend Choi Sooyoung22 yrs old.Also Hyoyeons Bestfriend Jung Jessica22 yrs old.Hyoyeons BFF ForewordI really love Hyoyeon unnie and Doojoon oppa,I think theymake an adorable couple.I hope you enjoy this story.
