Love Again

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Latest: Love
Time: 2023-11-02

It slowly became easier... living without him was never easy, though... nor would it ever be. But time had a way of slowly... so very slowly mending my heart of the hole he left.  Author-nim here! Hanchul being my OTP, youd think all of my stories would be Hanchul, but actually Ive only written one story which made me cry when I wrote it ㅠ.ㅠ Some of you may recall it - Blissful Memories? Anyway, after watching Phantom of the Opera, I have all of these feels and nowhere to put them, so it looks like theyll go into an ansty Hanchul fic. Yay for angst! Its what Im best at. OTL ForewordWorking for SM had almost become blissful since he left. Their busy schedules didnt leave much room for thinking about him, so it was kind of nice. In the morning, I would wake up and shower, eat breakfast with the other members, and then wed all attend to our different schedules. Being busy all day, Id forget to think of him, or I wouldnt have time.But then night came. Night was the problem. Hed always been there with me, and his sudden disappearance made me most lonely at night. There would be night upon night when I cried myself to sleep - and Kim Heechul does not cry. Night brought pain - an unbearable pain which left me gasping for breath between my muffled sobs. I called him endless times at night. I texted him until my fingers were sore. I never got a call back... I never got a single text. Sometimes I wondered if hed left to escape me.Even with the pain night brought, living had slowly become more manageable.
