
Got7 00K Active
Latest: Chapter 1
Time: 2023-11-02

Kunpimooks a cam whore by nature. ForewordIt was their day off; they had been looking forward to this day for so long as promotions are tiring when  you don’t have adequate hours of sleep.  Title: Cam WhoreFandom: GOT7Pairing(s): Bammarkson (Bambam/Mark/Jackson), slight Markson and JackbamGenre; AU!: Non-AURating: GWord Count: 448Prompt: Jackbam - Camwhore (from the GOT7 prompt generator)Summary: Kunpimooks a cam whore by nature.A/N: Cross-posted to lj, writing tumblr and ao3. I wanted to write something for GOT7 but I cant seem to write anything long these days. So I went to a prompt generator and wrote this shitty drabble??
