In the Dark
"When we hold each other in darkness, it doesnt make the darkness go away. The bad things are still out there. The nightmares still walking. When we hold each other, we feel not safe, but better.Its all right, we whisper.Im here. I love you.and we lie: Ill never leave you.For just a moment or two, the darkness doesnt seem so bad."~Neil Gaiman Seo Joohyun, or Seohyun, is Jessica Jung-Lee and Im-Choi Yoonas best friend. She takes care of their kids, Annalise Sumin Lee and Choi Yunho. She is very beautiful and used to be full of smiles and laughter, but after a horrible tragedy that involved her lover, Jung Yonghwa. Annalise Sumin Lee is a beautiful, bright young girl of seven years that is Onew and Jessicas girl. She has an amazing voice just like her parents and loves to joke around and loves fairy tales. Yoogeun is a smart, cute six year-old boy, who loves everyone he meets, but especially likes his parents - Yoona and Minho - and his auntie Seohyun and Jessica. Just like his parents, he has big, pretty eyes and is fond of bed-time stories. Foreword "Auntie Hyunnie, Auntie Hyunnie!" Annalise and Yunho called out."Auntie Hyunnie" turned to the sound of their angelic voices. She was a beautiful young woman, who is twenty-one. Although young in age, she has experienced many tragedies in her life. Yet, she still enjoys playing with her friends children, for she has none of her own."Yes, my two lovely highnesses?" the young woman replied with a light curtsy.The two little ones giggled with delight. They loved to play with their aunt Seohyun."Hyunnie noona, can you tell us a bed-time story?" asked five year-old Yunho. He looked at her with his big eyes and made a puppy dog face."Yeah! A fairy tale, auntie!" Annalise joined in.Seohyun rubbed her arms awkwardly. "Well, my sweets, auntie doesnt really know any fairy tales. Should I just read you one of your books?"Annalise and Yunho shook their heads vigorously. "Weve already read all of them too much. Make your own story up, auntie!""But auntie doesnt know any...." Seohyun drifted off.Annalise pouted. "Pwease? It doesnt have to be good. I just need a story to fall asleep, right, Yunnie?"Yunho nodded at his sisters words. "Noona, it doesnt have to have a happily ever after. I like any kinds of stories."Unable to resist their cute puppy dog face, Seohyun sighed and said,"Okay, okay. Ill tell you a story, but its not necessarily going to have a happy ending, all right?""Yay!" the two kids cheered.When Seohyun tucked them in their beds, she started her story. "Long ago, there lived a girl and a boy who were deeply in love...." This is my submission for round three of The Sky is the Limit writing contest, called March Madness. The story is based on the quote at the very top of the page, by Neil Gaiman. Special thanks to Chrissiishx3 from Starshine Poster Shop for the great poster and background!I hope you guys enjoy this story as much I enjoy writing it! c: Wish me luck~*Subscribing, commenting, and upvoting wont hurt either. ^-^ Thanks for reading, guys! :DP.S. I DONT OWN THE PICTURES!