Friendly Unwanted Marriage

Bigbang 70K Active
Author: VIPJan12
Time: 2023-11-02

Characters:Jang Min Seul – Young Bae’s best friend. She’s kind, cheerful and pretty girl.Dong Young Bae – Min Seul’s best friend. He’s sweet, innocent and handsome guy. Description:Min Seul and Young Bae are best friends, nothing more. They love each other as best friends only, nothing special. They treat each other like sister and brother. But what if they found out that their parents set them an Arrange Marriage? What will they do? ForewordAnnyeong! Im back with another story! Its Young Bae story!Hope youll support this fic of mine! Feel free to subscribe and comment, i wont bite. =D I dedicate this fic to my beloved unnie, janella! Hope youll like this! =D Thank You  ✿♚✿ SuperLemonade’s Request Shop ✿♚✿ for my Beautiful poster! =D
