Today is the day
Characters-YouAge-20Energetic, funny, a good dancer, good singer, falls for aegyo.Exploring the world as a kpop star at the moment.Has a boyfriend that works in the same company as you.Good friends with EXO BaekhyunYour boyfriend A kpop star in a group called EXOAge-21Funny, energetic, dances, main vocalist cute, loveable. EXO Members-Exo-k~ Suho, Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.OExo-m~ Kris, Luhan, Chen, Xiumin, Tao, Lay ForewordToday is the day when you see the world. Youll be debuting as as kpop star and your boyfriendand his friends will be beside you. A/N--HELLO, to people who are reading this. Im typing this on my phone but hopefully the rest will be on the computer!! Vote? Comment? Subscribe? ENJOY!!Plus, CREDITS TO THE OWNERS OF THE PICTURES if I put any up. Just saying beforehand.This is all my idea so please dont plagerise.Copyright 2014.