Earth, my wasteland

Other 20K Active
Time: 2023-11-02

The year is 2089. Earth is but a vast, desolate prison cell. And Earth only has three inhabitants. At the very bottom caste system, the innocent civilians who are clinging onto their last shred of hope, well those that are still able to carry on fighting that is. They are the prisoners who seen as the scum of society. At the second level, there are the wardens. They are robotic humans programmed to keep prisoners in and intruders out. Not that there will be any intruders though. Void of any and all emotions, these " human- robots" take orders ONLY from the higher-ups. Then, there are the pack  leaders-the Jedians. They have complete control and are shrouded in mystery. Nobody has ever seen a Jedian and lived to tell the story. In this world, you are either deemed as a traitor or not....both with equally harsh consequences. Which one are you?  Foreword"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death" --George Orwell, 1984
