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Romance 10K Active
Author: tommy26
Latest: Chapter 5
Time: 2023-11-02

TUCKY WILLIAMSMove from U.S.A to KoreaFamous as a lady killer among a girlsHot, Sexy, Kind & have a lot of girl friends  Yoon BoraMain dancer & rapper of girl group SISTARthe eldest one in the groupHyorinLeader & Main Vocal of SISTARSoyouLead Vocal of SISTARDasomMaknae (the youngest) of SISTARSISTAR Girls GenerationsTuckys Friends  Foreword   Shes not my first love but she can be my last oneTUCKY WILLIAMS Is a LOVE???YOON BORA Do you know how bitter to love the person from behind??SOYOU  TUCKY WILLIAMS :
