Ileon Sungan (Moments Like This)

Donghae 20K Active
Author: Ileon_Sungan
Time: 2023-11-02

When things are falling apart, Donghae needs to cherish..."Moments Like This." ForewordAll his life hes been putting up a brave front just to mask all his pain. Everytime, someone he loves is always close to dying...  and someone already has....Her life has always been filled with sorrow, pain, hurt. And yet, even when things are at their worst... she cant help but be happy....Their lives cant be anymore different. Living lives that are worlds apart can these two polar opposites get past all the pain that is bound to happen?..."You cant give up just yet! Please Haeun... please." I pleaded desperately, my voice weakening at the end. "I cant take it anymore!" She yelled and her always calm and seren face became torn and broken. I rushed to her at once when her knees gave out. Her knees scraped harshly on the cement, blood seeping through the hospital gown as tears came flowing down her pink cheeks, "Donghae, Im tired. So tired."MAIN CHARACTERSAhn Haeun: 17-years-oldBIO: Living in a church with a nun who had taken her in Haeun has managed to keep her life flowing some-what smoothly... if you can call juggling three jobs and paying an expensive high school tuition by yourself smoothly. Abandoned at the age of 3 she knows nothing of her past... or of the disease slowly sucking her life away.Lee Donghae: 21-years-oldBIO: One of Super Juniors charasmatic lead dancers Donghae is always seen with a happy smile that could brighten anyones day. Even with his fathers recent passing he is always the happy-go-lucky East Sea of Super Junior. Even though he is keeping a strong front he really cant afford seeing another person he loves go away.Lee Hyukjae(Eunhyuk): 21-years-old*added main characterBIO: The dance machine of Super Junior. Within the group he is deemed as the guy that is most successful at getting a girl. Although this is true Eunhyuks eyes are set only on Ahn Haeun, a girl he had just met. From their first encounter he has admitted to himself that he is indeed crushing on the cute 17-year-old.Choi Siwon: 22-years-oldBIO: The most religious, not to mention most masculine member of Super Junior Siwon is often helping out at the local church in Seoul. Because of all his volunteering he has grown very fond of an orphan staying at the church; Ahn Haeun. In fact, they are so close Siwon feels as if Haeun- or, "his Haeunnie"- is his long lost little sister.MINOR CHARACTERSSuper Junior, other K-pop idols.Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior (although... I bet we all would want to) or any other famous idols mentioned. With the exception of actual scenarios that have happened, the characters and incidents in this story are entirely fictional, the work of my crazy imagination and have no relation to any person or event in real life.Authors NoteAnnyeonghaseyo ELFs, shawols, SONES, VIPS, blackjacks, f(x)tions, etc etc! Im Ileon_Sungan (which is also the name of this story if you havent noticed) but you can call me Anna. This is my first time posting one of my stories online and Id appreciate it if you would look over any grammer or spelling errors. English isnt my 1st language (although I dont think youd believe me ^^) so Im very sure there will be minor errors. Please bear with the fact that I wont be able to update every single day because Im using a very, very slow computer. That is all, please support Ileon Sungan, Moments like this.Kamsahamnida! :)
