Love Circle
Welcome to SM High, a boarding school that consist of the richest people. Im Yoona is one of the student in there. She is a beautiful lady that always feel insecured. She has two bestfriends, Sunny, the cutest ones, and Hyoyeon the energetic girl. Yoona always think that her bestfriends life is more merrier that hers. Until She meet Donghae.One day, Donghae asked Yoona to meet his cousin. She feels really happy with that. Until she meets Henry, the one that Donghae want to introduce her with. What will she do when she realize that Donghae’s cousin is her first love? The Characters:AMBER J. LIUA tomboy girl, has a short hair. Excel in taekwondo. Act like a boy and dress like a boy. When she talks, a bit like boy too.She comes from the wealthy family. She has an easy going personality, so everyone love her. She is popular with boy and girl.The boys always think her as one of them because how she act. And the girls love being with her because she is down to earth,easy going dan kind. Amber close with Krystal, Luna, Sulli, and Victoria. But her really really bestfriend is Henry Lau. Both of them have known each other from 1 grade in junior high and has been bestfriend since that.freshman in senior high. Henry LauA popular boy that really talented. He is good at sport and excellent in music. He has an amazing voice,and can played any music instrument---his speciality is violin. He also good at compose a music.Henry is Donghaes cousin that from his third grade in elementary school until 1 grade in junior highlive in Canada. He has a lot of best friends, such us Isaac, Gen, etc. But his bff is Amber.Sophmore in senior high. Lee DonghaeA cute boy that always have lot of people around him. He is such a cutie that when love someone cando everything for her. But he is a little bit slow. He is really love her cousin, Henry. And always think ofhim as brother. Donghae has such a kind heart that easly to touch. He has been in love with Yoonasince he see her in her freshman eras. Donghae also loves Amber as his little sister.Senior in senior high. Im YoonaA beautiful girl that always feel insecured. She has a little confidence about herself until she meet Donghae.When Donghae say he likes her, Yoona slowly become more confidence in herself. Her parents alwaysleft her alone with the maid because both of them are so busy, and she always feel down because of that.Long time ago, when she is 5 years old, she heard a sound of violin that played by Henry. Since that deepinside she always has feeling for him.Sophmore in senior high. SunnyA cute girl that always trying to be cute. One of Yoonas bestfriends. Always care for everyone andfangirling for almost a handsome boys in their school.Sophmore in senior high. HyoyeonA strong girl that really loves to dance. She excell in dance and has a little bit tomboy attitude.Same with Sunny, she also likes to fangirling over cutie boys.Sophmore in senior high. ForewordOkay, hi, I’m the new author in asianfanfics.I know all my stories are kinda mess up, but… yeah… whatever… Hehehe XDWhen you read the description, you will find Yoona, Donghae, a little bit Henry… so where is Henber?? Where is Amberrrr???Kekeke… be patient guys… the focus in this story is still HENBER…. So just wait… XDDon’t forget to comment… kay?Oh, by the way, I change it to english... so you can easier to read it XD thank you