Find A Way

Angst 10K Active
Latest: Fin.
Time: 2023-11-02

Sehun tries to find a way to make sense of his fancy lifestyle with Hana on campus to steer his thoughts away from merely settling for less, leaving imprints of her in his life.    ForewordHana reminds him of how they met, realising that its because of their parents and his mouth is curved into an o shape as he begins to recall. It all began with Hanas parents begging Hana to get to know Sehuns family because Sehuns father was Hanas fathers boss. Hana still remembers her mother begging her to get closer to Sehun to snag some browny points, maybe the family could get richer, she recalls her mother suggesting.  Being obedient, she tried to do exactly that, which is why she stuck by Sehun long enough to remember that he has a mushroom cut back in freshman year and Sehun just went along with it, completely clueless until tonight. Sehun thumps his chest.  "Nice to know our friendship exists because daddys rich," Sehun snickers. "Aye,"
