Spread Your Wings and Fly (CLOSED handing out prizes see update 04/10/14)

2ne1 10K Active
Author: mizzm29
Latest: Prizes!
Time: 2023-11-01

“If you want to fly higher, first you have to spread your wings.. The world’s big and there are a lot of places you can fly^^”-Minzy Hey everyone this is mizzm29 and Ive decided to host a contest because I can alright? LOL, Im just kidding, its only a joke! I promise I dont have too bad of an attitude and I dont bite, so dont be shy. Im super excited for this since this will be my very first contest Ill be hosting. So please come this way and spread your wings and fly with me to the wonderful world of fanfics... MISSION:I am in dyer need of some fanfics, which is where you lovely writers come in! You with that awesome imagination is needed and wanted here! PURPOSE:Its my birthday April 8th, yay party for me haha, and one thing that will truly make me happy cyber wise, besides a 2ne1 comeback, is Minzy fanfics! So by you even considering on giving this contest a try would seriously mean a lot for me. But why would you care for little ol me? Dont worry, Ive got some goods that I will shamelessly wave right in front of you to hopefully take the bait haha. THE 15 COMMANDMENTS (Rules):  1. Subscribe to the contest. This is for update purposes. Dont worry you can unsubscribe after the contest is done if it really bugs you.2. No bashing of any kind. This is a hate free zone and if you dont like something just pm me or you will get a peice of my mind with my foot up your...hehe you see what Im getting at.3. You may submit up to 2 fics, but you can only win once because everyone needs a little lovin okay?4. No co-authors, lets keep this a clean fight.5. One-shots and Chaptered fics accepted (30 Chapters MAX!)6. No word limit, let that imagination of yours go crazy!7. Your fic must have Minzy as the main character or at the least take part in some of your fic if you really cant stand the fact that she has to be the main character.8. All genres are accepted from fluffy to angst. You name it, I read them all, with the exception that smut MUST have a plot and you go easy on the yaoi or yuri if used.9. NO plagarizing! The story must be from you and your creative mind! If I find out youve done this, youre automatically out and I will report your butt! This has happened to me on this site and I dont want this to happen to anyone else.10. Stories must be new (starting from April 1st of 2013  and on...) for this contest. Id like it fresh out of your mind.11. I strongly advise that you stay away from OCs or You fics. I dont ever read those kind of fics, but if you cant help yourself by all means go ahead.12. Link your fic to this contest in your foreword.13. Prompts are optional, but they do offer bonus points. (Point system explained later.)14. Fill out Form and post in as a comment with one-shot or chaptered fic, to keep this as organized as possible. If chaptered, comment or pm me when it is completed so that I can change the status of your fic.15. All one-shots and chaptered fics must be completed by deadline. Meet the deadline! No ifs or buts about it. I want to keep this fair.(If there are anymore comments or questions about rules please comment or pm me!) PRIZES: (The real reason you all came, its okay Im fine with it. Prizes for a fanfic is all worth it for me!)ONESHOTS1st- 300 karma pointsTwo oneshots written especially for you from me. With that, Im allowing you to choose the characters and genre for each!Upvotes on all of your lovely fics.Subscription to all of your fics.I will read every single one of your fics and give it the proper praise that it deserves, even if it doesnt have Minzy in it! hehe...Blog written of why I loved your amazing oneshot the most!A praise of how great you are on your precious wall.Advertizing of that amazing oneshot for three weeks in all my fics, that could lead to more possible readers for you!Bragging rights!!! 2nd- 100 karma pointsOne oneshot written especially for you from me. And with that you can also choose the characters as well as the genre.Upvotes on three of your awesome fics of your choice.Subscription to three of your fics of your choice.I will read two of your fics of your choice and give it the proper praise that it deserves.I will write a little blog on why I loved your fic!Praise you on your precious wall for that great oneshot! 3rd- 50 karma pointsUpvotes to two of your fics of your choice.Subscription to two of your fics of your choice.Read one of your fics of your choice and give it the proper praise that it deserves!Praise you on your wall for an amazing oneshot! CHAPTERED1st- 350 karma pointsOne short chaptered fic (2-10 chapters) written especially for you by me. With the characters and genre of your choice.One oneshot written especially for you by me, with the characters and genre of your choice.Upvotes on all of your lovely fics.Subscription to all of your awesome fics.I will read and comment on all of your fics.Blog written especially for your lovely winning fic.A praise of how great you are on your precious wall.Advertizing of that amazing fic for three weeks in all of my fics!Bragging rights!!! 2nd- 150 karma pointsOne short chaptered fic (2-3 chapters) written especially for you by me, with the characters and genre of your choice.Upvotes on three of your fics of your choice.Subscription to three of your fics of your choice.I will read two of your fics and give it the proper praise it deserves.I will write a little lovely blog of why I loved your fic.Praise you on your precious wall for your awesome fic! 3rd- 100 karma pointsUpvotes to two of your fics of your choice.Suscription to two of your fics of your choice.Read one of your fics of your choice and give it the proper praise it deserves!Praise you on your wall for a great chaptered fic. Keep in Mind:Prizes may increase depending on the amount of participants. If you have any reasonable ideas for prizes by all means go ahead and drop a comment or pm me and if I get any more ideas I will for sure add them in! Also, there might be a few karma points given out to others as well because the more Minzy fics to read and love, the merrier Ill be in giving hehe! Dont be shy and give this contest a try, you know you want to!!!LETS SPREAD OUR WINGS AND FLY!!! ForewordFORM:Username:Name of Fic:Link to Fic:One-shot/ Chaptered (Complete or Incomplete): Prompt (optional):  DIRECTORY:PROMPTSPOINT SYSTEM/BONUSDEADLINES/UPDATES
