
Angst 10K Active
Author: SYLove
Latest: Final Chapter
Time: 2023-11-02

First. Blame my lazy fingers if this story wont continue. My plan this will be one shot and my end of hiatus from writing soosica fanfic. I still writing fanfic but not soosica in my tumblr account, but yeah, its not soosica.Second, this story...maybe will be quite depressing according to the title and I cant promise you it wont so...your choice to continue pay attention on this or not. I just find this idea quite interesting. Thats all.Third and last, just wait and see what happened, okay? Never say update soon to me or it will kill my passion on writing. I really hate that kind of comment. ForewordSigh...I know thats not the best way to start a story but everytime I remember about her, I just can sigh...She is breathakingly beautiful and I just stupidly in love with her...
