
Fluff 30K Active
Author: exosted__
Latest: Inter-Date
Time: 2023-11-02

Jongin manages to score himself a guy from behind the safety of his virtual fence. ForewordHello! Cross-posting this fic from NODTTs/Kaisooaufests first round. If you remember this fic, then congrats! Youre one of my new favorite people. Heh. If you havent read this yet, then please enjoy! And excuse any mistakes--this remains unedited and unbetad. Lol.Written back in 2016 when I still had faith in my writing. Lmao. This fic is one of my very first fest fics though, so the quality is mostly questionable (or so i think).Please leave comments or upvote if you liked it :) small bouts of appreciation come a long way ? And come say hi on twitter! I am @assthethiccsoo on there.Thank you!
