
Angst 00K Active
Author: lejeuparfait
Time: 2023-11-02

What would Bom say? ForewordI think a lot of people are still hurting after what happened to TOP, so emotions might be too fresh for you to read this...Hes alive though, and thats what really matters. Life is hard, but its when we thrive in that difficulty that we persevere and make it through and become better one day.I would rate this M for reference to sex but no actual smut and it would have a Trigger Warning as depression and hospitals can be triggering, but I didnt check the boxes because there are a lot of young Kpop fans who read about whats going on with these celebrities and I want people to see this. Although the story is fiction, mental illness at all ages is real and not openly talked about. I find M-rated stories and ones with TWs arent viewed as much because its hidden away, for less people to find...If youre someone under the age of 18 and dont want to read something like this, I trust you have enough self-control to click away. But if not, I hope youre mature enough to understand and talk about it with someone if it triggers you. Message me if youre too scared to bring it up to someone in real life, my inbox is open.Its a short one-shot. Let me know what you thought.PS. I was partly inspired by elfie15s story. Hers was more fluffy and longer than mine, so go check it out if youd like and havent already; its called help.PPS. Cover is from Gloss & Gloom Graphics. Go check it out, click the image below :)
