Voodoo-Roleplay [+Semi-Literate +Facebook +General] Yes we are back! Plenty of open slots so take a look around and join!!
masterlistwishlistTumblrcreditA general, open roleplay. 17+ limit. Yes! We are the original Voodoo, bringing the roleplay back for the members who loved us and those who hadnt met us yet! Come join us, were dying to have you.Voodoo Roleplay a Facebook roleplay restablished on 12/26/15r u l e s Section 1; General Rules of the Roleplaya. We are a Semi-Literate, General roleplay. This means that you must play your facelclaim to as close to the real person as possible. Do not make Suzy a complete bitch, we all know she is the complete opposite.b. Literacy is a must when replying to a post where the person you are writing with is clearly giving effort. One liners on a post that is more than three sentences is not allowed. Give effort to those who hand it out, aka don’t be lazy. If that’s what you’re looking for then please don’t waste our time or yours by applying. We take literacy seriously here.c. One liners and emojis are acceptable ONLY on sns posts. I decided to change it back to how it once was, being semi-literate to see how it goes. But if I see one liners everywhere then I will be changing this roleplay back to how it was meant to be with the reopen- literate only.d. If you are denied thrice times then you will no longer be able to apply for the roleplay. It shouldn’t take you three times to get in if you read the rules properly. Section 2; Applications & Reservationsa. Please be sure to read all the rules, as the information needed to be accepted is hidden within here. Don’t bother to use tab + control f for find, as the word password will only exist in this sentence.b. We only accept applications & reservations from an AFF account.c. Any other form of these two will be denied. d. When reserving a faceclaim you must provide a special code (example; chewy hearts), which must also be included in your application to prevent any confusion.e. After your reserve has been accepted the slot will be withheld from the public for 72 hours (3 days). After the anointed time has passed the slot will be open to the public once more.Section 3; Post Acceptancea. Upon acceptance please send Fei a friend request. Pretty simple you think?b. Please note that there may be sex on public posts. So no complaining about how all you see is sex, there is this great little button called ‘unfollow’. Let’s be realistic now shall we? It’s bound to happen and there’s not a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.c. We allow relationships, closed or open. You must wait exactly 7 days after your arrival into the roleplay before getting into a relationship. The only exception to this rule is if you have a couple that came from another roleplay to this one. d. Speaking of relationships, pregnancy is no longer allowed within the roleplay. There is nothing more awkward than a young teen becoming pregnant (yes we know it happens in real life but not in the korean industry) or having a muse pregnant right when their real life counterpart is having a comeback and clearly not.e. But feel free to adopt all the pets you want, there’s not a limit but again be realistic, you can’t have a baby pig in your dorm no matter how famous your faceclaim is.f. You are allowed three facelcaims within the roleplay, but only if you are able to take on the challenge. You must have them all be active at the same time, and if you are constantly going on semi or full hiatus on one, two or three but are active on the others we will ask you to give up the slot as you are clearly not able to keep the extra. You have to wait one week after each new facelcaim you have before applying for another. If we find out you have more than the number allowed you will be removed from the roleplay. No exceptions.g. Whenever you are plotting with people please be aware that not everyone will be as open to plotting certain subjects as others. It’s always a good idea to ask about any triggering subjects they might have. Suicide, drugs, self-harm, etc are prohibited from the roleplay. That’s not to say that your muse has to be happy-go-lucky, that would be unrealistic. If you muse has depression that is acceptable but please, no constant statuses of woe is me, no one loves me I’m ugly, I deserve to be alone or anything like that. That will push people away from wanting to write with you and then you and your muse will truly be alone. Which is not what we want here at Voodoo, not at all.h. No muse death. No npc death either, such as your dog dying or, heaven forbid someone actually rp this, a child dying. That is a serious no and if we see it or are sent proof of it you will be removed from the roleplay.i. No incest. You may not play a sibling with the intention of flirting with their sibling, that is wrong and will not be tolerated in here. IF provided with proof you will be removed without a second’s thought.j. No roleplaying dead people. Have respect for those who have passed.k. Let me say this once, and I know that I’ll have to repeat this often but save me the trouble of constantly riding your ass, that your muse is incapable of knowing everything. If Minho is with Chorong but cheating on her with Bomi, you as the mun will know but Chorong will not. That is a private post and you have no right to comment on it or stay IC and accuse Minho of cheating. You may talk to the mun about ooc or come to me about it. FOURTH WALL, META GAME AND GOD MODDING IS NOT ALLOWED AND IF WE SEE IT HAPPENING OR ARE SENT PROOF OF IT YOU’RE GONE. You’ll be banned from ever applying here. We take this very seriously.l. Which leads to the conclusion of this section: Never let anyone try and pressure you into doing anything you are not comfortable with. Private messaging is strictly mun to mun, no roleplay is allowed. This is to ensure that people are not bubble roleplaying and ignoring others. If you are warned of this two times you will be asked to leave the roleplay. If you want to only talk to one person then don’t bother to apply, this is a place where everyone can be friends.Section 4; Hiatus and Activitya. If you’re inactive for 7 days then you’ll be removed from the roleplay. You maybe reapply 7 days after your removal.b. If you’re busy with school, going out of town, blah blah blah, you may go on a semi or full hiatus. These will last only one month with rare exceptions. Very rare.c. Again we will discuss literacy. If someone has clearly given effort if their replies don’t be a lazy ass and give them a sentence. This is a place for writers so they can spread their wings or for people who are/have been interesting in writing and can practice good writing. Don’t apply and grow lazy after being accepted. This will result in your removal.d. Activity is very important here. If you are rarely able to be online then don’t bother to apply here. Please put your muse’s name in your application along with the word voodoo to ensure you will be accepted. The more active you’re able to be, the more people will flock to you for plotting and friendship. If you’re less active don’t complain about how you’re being ignored or your threads are being dropped. What do you expect if you’re barely around? People will notice and assume you’ll be leaving thus, not bothering to reply to what they think will be a dead thread.e. If you continue to stay inactive the admins will happily remind you of your activity level. Section 5; Conclusiona. The admin will be here for whatever questions you have or problems you’d like to discuss. I do not have a group of friends that I only talk to, I will not take sides until sufficient proof (screenshots) has been sent to me. In other words in the roleplay I am Switzerland, neutral territory and will make decisions as such. No one will receive special treatment and sorry to my friends but neither will you. Don’t expect for me to give you a break because I know you ooc. That wouldn’t be fair to the other people in this roleplay so don’t waste your time trying.b. I will uphold the rules I have established to the best of my ability.c. Face chasing is the fastest route to being booted out the door. If GD is single and lovin’ it, don’t show up as TOP, CL, Dara, etc to grab that OTP. We highly, highly, HIGHLY encourage mixed couples instead.d. That being said, we welcome all forms of sexuality but it is recommended your faceclaim is bisexual or pansexual. This way no one will be scrutinized for being straight or gay and the flood of complains will remain nonexistent.e. If your faceclaim is not tagged in a status or post that is clearly between two people, don’t butt in.f. Casually reminds you not to break the fourth wall.g. Please remember that not everyone will welcome you and your muse, so feel free to approach whomever you want instead! Or alongside of. Treats others as you expect to be treated.h. Drama IC is accepted here as long as it doesn’t leak into ooc or get out of control. Remember that public posts (posts we can all see on our newsfeeds) can be seen by the admins so if we see you breaking a rule we’ll contact you via pm with a screenshot. Don’t argue if we have sufficient proof.i. Finally, have fun here at Voodoo! I hope with the revamp that it will become how it once was in the beginning, full of friends and family, a happy place that people came to for a good time! A place to escape the harsh realities of life and blow off some steam! Application process Read the rules for the secret word!- Out of Character -Name:Age:Timezone: - In Character -Name of muse:Company:Group/Position:Sexuality:admins event name — 1st activity check ends on 1-30-2016. event name — TBA e v e n t S