Only You, Mr Jealous
Once I met him, Ive falling in love with him. Hes charming,his fairygod ear which is same like a Yoda lol, his stupidness act,his cute face, the way he cares about me and the way he loves me were attractive me and make me falling deep in love with him.Although he strongly jealous when he saw me closed to other guys, I still love him. ONLY he can makes my heart beating fast and felt butterflies flies in my stomach. ONLY YOU I love, just ONLY YOU MR PARK JEALOUS. ForewordA fanfic story for chanyeol-stans reader and me lol. Sorry if my story is lame and many grammar mistakes. Im not pro in English.kekeke . Love you all who are willingly to read my fanfic. I am laughing hardly and rolling on the floor seeing chanyeol wore this pink hair hahahahaI want to say a big THANK YOU for those who subscribed and voted my fanfic. I am so happy. I LOVE YOU